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26 May 2005

U'll Never See This On TV...

KlickHere4FullView&IRecommendIt Credit to Sonic HQ-Best Sonic Site in the World
Aw man, u cant see no pic? Poor u. What Internet Broswer are u using huh? Anyway, if u cant see it, this pic is from the Sonic Archie comics. Sonic being greeted by the Chaotix gang, who unlike in the anime, were very friendly. Knuckles and Sonic then shared quality time.
Random stuff guys. Actually, this IS one of the reasons I partly believe some of the Archie Comics stuff (at least the later issues, I mean, when Sega makeovered Sonic & the others during the Sonic Adventure age, they had to add some buff to their own Sonic & Co.) because everyone is sooooo friendly & sociable. Here, u see a later issue pic, of reunion between Sonic and the Chaotix pals (this time w/o the staple Charmy!), and it's JULIE-SU who runs up to him, Knux obviously looks @#%# (in a good way) and the two share a moment of fe-len-zi-p. What's Sunnuvagun anyway? That is mostly way I disapprove the protrayal of Knuckles in Sonic X. Maybe they should also call each other by nickname too. But one thing that the anime/games from Sega were afraid to put when they had that makeover in 1999 which Archie did was to extend Sonic's torso (look at that pic and compare 2 this!) I mean, the other characters didn't have a problem on this thing. Characters like Knuckles or Shadow, who basically don't that hedgiekind of torso. (Compare this Post-Adventure age pic(credit to TeamArtail) with the pre-adventure one) Because artists draw the arms and body of Knux conjoined, but since for hedgies like Sonic, it is not really conjoined (the arm/torso and body are tan and blue respectively) so there's this question: Should we make Sonic look really teen-ish (but risk making future Sonic graphics like fanart) or keep Sonic's torso circlish (but risk making him look so old school). Judge THIS ONE(credit to TeamArtail) 4 urself.

Well, that's today's random sleaze. Yeah, I know May is too fast, and if anyone is wonderin "Wtf? This guy never says anythin bout personal life", that'll be in the mose deepest and intimate of my blogs, Down-In-Hysteria. I don' get my personal feelings involved when I am obzezzed wit this..


23 May 2005

An Unecessary Change...

Alright, remember the Pineapple-Killer blog? It's inactive now and the owner, Emmie, has started a new blog with pretty much the same concept as the last so it might as well be a URL change (hmm Pineapple Killer sounds better than Fruit Punch) and the link is the title. Click here and u'll see me unecessarily answer a load of questions about the world of Sonic, many will definitely break ya mind. XD Jokin...

Risen... from Hysterian Hell

Hey, I haven't died! Three super-quick weekends, a big load of problems and this and that (a long story, and I had my share of suffering, Venerable Buddha...) and today's the last day of some long weekend.
Anyway, I promised when the videos on the Tails Domain are available, I'll post an update. & there u go. All eps back, plus faster downloading speed! yayz~

13 May 2005

Knuckles is better than Sonic

Knuckles is better than Sonic: "Knuckles and sonic related games.
Posted by: Brandon / 2:48 PM"

Er... ok... how childish...
then at the footer...
Two hmmm... JubJub (maybe) running (but smiling) and the text: "They got Knuckles Mad, now they're running for there lives in Terror "

Er... ok... WHAT? He's not same mad hot-tempered guy!

"Why do all the games that have sonic in them have to have sonic in the title? Why not Knuckle Adventure 2 Battle or Knuckles DX? It is just so unfair. If any of you people out there know a game desiner for sonic games tell them that in the next game to remove Sonic. Thank You"
Hmm... a far-too-true advocate for Knux.

"Tails may be smart but he is always following that idiot sonic. He should join up with Knuckles so that is brain power can be used for causes that arn't stupid."
Well, Tails' brain power didn't really go to waste, and Brandon, did u know the whole Sonic saga?

"Big went to the store to get eggs to make some omelets, which are his favorite breakfast snacks for his 7th most important meal of the day followed by post breakfast, pre-brunch, brunch, post brunch, pre-lunch, ect... But anyway he went to the store and when he came back his house he found a shopping mall because his house had been condemned since no one lived there for the last fifty years. Don't even get me started with Big The Cat. He is so slow that when he caught a fish he found out that it fossilized while he was reeling it in. Big was also so slow that when he went to a 3-year old boys birthday party they were celebrating his graduation."

Well, there has to be a dum dum character, but don't u think u're goin too far?

"Sonic is so stupid that if his inteligence was the same as the temperature we would all die of the freezing cold. LOL "

That's enough, tough guy, who's like, died two years ago.

"A major advantage of Knuckles is his ability to glide across the air over a large area and can reach high areas that sonic can even dream of reaching. Knuckles is also way smarter than sonic because if sonic got any dummer he would be considered a statue. He can also punch enemies unlike sonic jumping into a ball and ramming into enemies with his very thick skull that has been said in many legends that it may contain a brain. One way that he is better is that he can climb walls, now you don't see sonic scaling a wall do you."

Well true, can glide, but Sonic can double jump and by the time Knux can "reach high areas that Sonic can even dream reaching" actually Sonic IS able to be there before Knux, because... HELLO... isn't he the speed of a Concorde?

Alright, that's today's sleeze of the day. wat a mess.

08 May 2005

Jigglypuff escaped 2 Mobius!

Ok, click the link and ignore those icons on that deviantART user's desktop, but somehow, Jigglypuff must have escaped. Really. I'm sure Knuckles is sleeping. I hope so. XD

07 May 2005

DONE! Fanart archive prob...

Listenin'2: Hate it Or Love It - The Game f. 50 Cent (remix with alternate lyrics and a female voice? My radio station is very funny, having non-commercial hours full of hip-hop and all of them are modified...)
Watched: Saturday Night Live (Johnny Knoxville/Systems of A Down)
Moodz: Roarz... oh thatz not a proper mood...man...
Thoughtz: URGE 2 GO BACK 2 GOOD Ol' Message Forums!
WorshipDatDude: Remington, Constable in the Knux Archie comics. Plannin' to bring him back in my projects...

Well, presto. I've redone the sidebar (the thing on the right) as u can see, an added a 'Featured Posts' section! So since this blog is pretty much a Sonicish portal, I'm trying to get some hits. Maybe I should feature here on forums... but I'm so busy!!! The DeviantART section is those artists I've explored whose fanart are diverse, unique, creative, and many more Fanart Showcases will be on their art. Ahh, if only I have time to redo my sidebar on the main blog...

But I have a much worse problem with those ohmigosh Sonic fanart I've been collecting the past months. (Yes I didn't draw it why not say I'm the Lorenzo the Magnificent of the Sonic Age?XD)Since I will go and feature most of those on the blog throughtout the months, some of them doesn't have the artist's name on the art and then I don't put the artist's name on the filename... but if I didn't think any of those I wouldn't have led myself to bigger ideas...

I had thought of maybe going around the Internet (Image Google on Sonic, Sonic fanart, Knuckles, Knuckles fanart, Knuckles Sonic, Knux, Knux fanart, Shadow sonic, go to Sonic HQ and SoaH and collect those fanart and add artists' names (those which pictures doesn't have it) on filenames, and replace any existing pics without it, then there was the idea of uploading all fanart to my Photobucket account and then do the art searching, then the prospect of perhaps linking all the fanart in webpages filled with sham interviews with Sonic and Co. about the fanart and so on & so on... so the answer to this mess remains a mystery. Oh god, if someone only help!

05 May 2005

Perfectly Chaotic

Art - Perfectly Chaotic
Hey yo jus wanna feature da Vee-2-da-Ai-2-da-RUS! Otherwise known in the non hiphop world, Virus. Remember him from the webcomic Exterminatus Now? This is his art site.
(Virus the Rat, by The Virus)
Yes, he's the one who drew that wonderful Manic wallpaper and loads more! Check it out!
(Btw, the webcomic Virus and those guys are making, the recent ones are all about those 4 dudes at home. What is it, tired of action? And anyway I thank them for inspiring me for an upcoming project (and if Lord knows that I'm lucky, a TV Series), codenamed "Team Sonic @ Home"!

04 May 2005


Listenin'2: Tori Alamaze - Don't Cha
Watched: The Simpsons - Venus Gummy/Accusation of Sexual Arrasment Episode
Moodz: ;+Thoughtz: Wishes that Blogger has the option 4 us to put smileys/emoticons on ur blogs...
WorshipDatDude: Still Manic.... sorry ... ahh ... hey wait a minute... doesn't that wallpaper remind us of Rouge?

And also this one...
(credit to virus-20)
Comments: Wo. Wo. Wo.... Very creative, although this artist is not really a 100% sonic fan and draws loads of other characters being inflated... it's not a perfect pose for poor Knuxie, Shadow and Charmy... poor all, squeezed into a rectangle... Eggman was hilarious, with his head a cushion for Rouge's "inflated" chest (*barfs*). Knuckles' expression is... er... sorta okay... I like how those fangs are showing, but Knux's eye colour is not pink/red, it's indigo! I like how the young Tails and Cream glomps at those boobs of Rouge...

03 May 2005

Sonic X Opinion No.3 (heh heh)

Listenin'2: Incomplete by BSB... YES, I LUV THAT SONG!
Watched: Flash Animation - ONE PIECE of Crap
Moodz: "Blimey, Itz that him?"ily-slouchy
Thoughtz: Only 1h and 10min to a Constantineless American Idol...
WorshipDatDude: Well, sorry, but for today I'll kick those anthromorphic dudez out (except hot gloveless Manic (yes I still cant get off the chill of that wallpaper) which since he's fired as Sonic's bro, I'd say, Sonic's cousin! (So Jules (who remind me of Darth Vader & Sonic as Luke Skywalker) & Bernie are Sonic's parents and Queen Alena will be Manic and Sonia's mother. There, all disentangled!)

Well, more on Escape from Prison Island. The Eclispe Cannon is basically like the Death Star from Star Wars, which has the power to blow away one planet. By destroying part of the moon, Eggman actually

SEGA is in a serious trouble?

deviantART: manaita: SEGA is in a serious trouble?
*credit to Manaita... Cool Sonadow (Sonic x Shadow) Art*
Yesterday, police investigated SEGA on charges of professional negligence resulting in the death.
According to officials, the fatal accident at Joypolice Tokyo (Odaiba Tokyo) is becoming a serious trouble for SEGA. As you know, the amusement establishment section of SEGA is main shaft of rebuilding management of the company, but this accident might damage their image even being the game production company.
There is concern that "By the response to this time, for not only SEGA, but it might degrade the brand image of whole of group including Samy" in game industry.

Apr. 18, Tokyo Joypolice, the lamish fat man rode the attraction named "VIVA!-SKYDIVING" without the seat belt and fell from his seat 5 meters above the ground, and died.
In the immediate future, Tokyo Joypolice is suspending its business.

*source : [link] (Japanese)
[link] (Japanese)

....It's really too bad.

I hope the police really blame it on that fat man. I don't want Sega's image to go down so much. That's his lesson for NOT wearing seat belts. ;p Aww... I feel so much like Harry Potter when Hagrid was accussed for not controlling his Hippogriff Buckbeak when he attacked Draco Malfoy (the f***ing Slytherin) because Draco insulted Buckbeak.

deviantART: Commision--NFL Player Tails

deviantART: Commision--NFL Player Tails by *jamieswiftrunner
The wildest idea ever. Bring the creativity on!

deviantART: ONE PIECE of crap

Okkkkkkkkk... I love how they showed Western-American 4Kids rule over out toons... check out the flash toon!
Comments: It basically features the most unpopular cartoon in 4Kids... One Piece (which was dubbed from the Shoen Jump anime)

02 May 2005

Exterminatus Now

See This!
Aww.. too bad u cant see it. It's Mona Lisa! oh, sorry. It's a fancomic! What, that cannot be a piece of art? IT IS! Credit to: http://exterminatusnow.keenspace.com THEY ROCK! (credit to:http://exterminatusnow.keenspace.com)
Wow. I came across this webcomic (thanks to emmiru... it'z dat howe I spal it?) which is very Mobian related. Already the first frame (that link) has a grey Tails or otherwise, Harold Eastwood, the character's called. Wooo, seems all the characters are adults! Cigars & porn? Then the 2nd character's a rat ('Virus'), who has a little resemblance to Sonic (very little) and wears clothes, then there's an echidna called Lothar who's part-cyborg and a cat called 'Rouge'. At first, it was an operation, then the recent ones are all about the 4 guys @ home. So two characters resembling Knuckles and Tails and no one else! YES! NO SONIC! Check it out!

Main Page
The Archive
More About the Cast (with f***ing pics of a decaffinated Eastwood, "naked" 'Virus', ??? Lothair and Sleepin' 'Rouge')
Fanart by fans (and many Eastwood & lothar drawing are so Tails/Knuxish like this one)

And yeah that's it. I love Virus' fanart especially this COOL Manic wallpaper.... (finally, a Sonic Adventure-style makeover 4 him! No more disortions with the head and those extra green tips of hair .... in the world of fandom. ._.")


01 May 2005

Sonic X Opinion No.2

Listenin'2: "Never Surrender" 2Unlimited
Watched: Saturday Night Live (HilarySwank/50Cent)
Moodz: Rockin' Debatish...
Thoughtz: Breakfast... mmmm... McGriddlez... and hey, SONIC's BIRTHDAY IS AT JUNE 23rd!
WorshipDatDude: Erm... I'll say Chris. He's the one of the few characters that 4Kids had done it right on the voice.

Well, you've seen Sonic X Opinion I. Now, time for II!
Listen to Knuckles talkin' in this Episode clip first. Yes, this is the voice of Knuxie in the dub. OMG!!!! When I was already a little mad that Sonic Team portrayed Knux VERY badly in Sonic X, the one who keeps wantint to have a fight, have a temper... He wasn't like that even in the past games. And I don't need a western dubber team to spoil it. I mean, he sounds like Yami Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh! Oh, the voice actor (who they are stupid to choose him. He does rough voices, strict ones with the butch-dog accent), Dan Green, does both of their voices. How stupid... Actually the Japanese one is a little better, but I think it's best for a funkier voice to replace! Maybe rapper K-Os? XD

Next, Mr. President (who doesn't look like Bush) in Sonic X is on all fours!

I noticed Shadow's voice is much cooler than Knux. And wait a minute... HE SMILES MORE THAN KNUCKLES? I thought Shadow's the one with the temper, angst and all those "Maria!" Really, in Episode 34 (which I watched a week ago), these are the Mr. Sunshine pics:
(screenshots Credit ALL GIVEN 2 http://TeamArtail.com)

Well he cretainly smile more, much more than Knuckles in the anime. But... if you go to http://Google.com and type "knuckles sonic" or "shadow sonic" in Image Search, look at the pictures (EXCLUDING ones from Sonic X). It is vice versa. The SEGA game pics show Knux smiling (in a funky way) but Shadow not. In fact, Shadow sounds like Count Dracula. He sounds like Seto Kaiba too, and the voice actor does Sonic's voice too.

Others -
Amy - The girl in Yu-Gi-Oh with short brown hair...
Tails - Mokuba Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh

And also I love Sonic X's animation, especially the fire and explosions:
(once again, credit to TeamArtaill)

Sonic & Co. Prefers Episodes.. But is it Really Them?

Please vote anyway.
Well, it's Justin and before I begin my monthly roundup of links, I just want to say that 4Kids TV (formerly Fox Kids (which was the perdect dubber for Digimon, if you compared how f***ing lousy 4Kids did to Pokémon) who basically overrun Saturday morning, has sweepstakes, polls, all those jazz at the website, http://4kids.tv (if you type foxbox.com or foxkids.com you'll be redirected to that website.)

To the Point: They have this "4Kids Favourites" where the characters from TMNT, Winx Club and Sonic X (which are, the top 3 shows on the Sat. AM roundup) choose their fave episodes from their cartoon series and asks u to vote. (In other words, which character is like most?) The link provided on the title goes to the Sonic X one, although I'm sure that the characters don't know how to pick...

Knuckles' Choice of Episode:
A SONIC/KNUX FIGHT SCENE!?!??!?! BOOO! BAD INFLUENCE!!! 4KIDS IS SHIT BY PORTRAYING HIM LIKING TO FIGHT WITH SONIC? WHO ARE WE, JUST SOME KIDS WHO BELIEVES WHATEVER THE DUBBERS OF USA WANTS US TO? I absolutely DISAGREE if Knux was really here, he'd pick this one. BOOOO! But I voted, because I'm a fan of Knux. (I couldn't see the video actually because of the #$!% Windows Media Player, so I voted, then I could after seeing this miraculous help file and then *GASP*. Once again... BOOOO!

Tails' Choice of Episode:
That's Tails' choice? The clip that 4kids provided barely had him in it! In fact, it's all about Eggman destroying part of our moon with his Eclipse Cannon and Egg appearing on TV. More like, Eggman's Choice. But you wouldn't believe...

In this one, it's much more like Tails' choice. It's Eggman on TV warning citizens that the fallen missile will explode, and then Tails' had the courage to decode the bomb. I think Eggman would've chose the 2nd one. THIS IS RIDICULOUS.

Finally, Sonic's Choice of Episode:
Er, is that his choice? Yeah, it's Chris, Chuck, Big, Sonic and Knuckles having a coffee break in Chris' little lab, but most of it is just Knux's flashback of the Chaos creature stealing the Master Emerald. Isn't it Knux's choice of episode? OMG... stupid 4Kids...

Anyway, at the time of typing this, Sonic's Choice (which is supposedly Knuckles' choice) has a slight lead at 39.9%, while Knux's Fight Scene (which I DISAGREE, YOU FREAKIN' WESTERN MONOPOLIZING CARTOON COMPANY!) is at 38.4%. Vote for Knux, guys, not because of that f***ing 4kids-selected Fight Scene, but because... it's Knuckles!